Intestinal parasites are the scourge of modern society. According to statistics, almost every other person is the owner of this or that creature, hidden in the intestinal lumen. We're talking about worms - parasites and the simplest microbes invisible to the ordinary naked eye. All of these exist at the expense of the owner, absorbing nutrients, vitamins and minerals on their own. But are parasites really as dangerous as people say they are? Is there always a need for urgent treatment of an infected person?
A few words about epidemics
The topic of parasites is actively exaggerated in the media. On numerous internet forums, the debate on how to properly remove protozoa and worms from the body does not stop. The most incredible plans are presented, offering amazing recipes that, according to forum members, can cure all diseases, from the well-known giardiasis to exotic schistosomiasis. They broadcast from the television screens that humanity is in danger, and that each of us is already terminally ill and beyond cure. Colleagues learned of the news, relatives and friends were horrified by the dire prospect, and advertisements for a miraculous cure that could save humanity from dangerous neighbors didn't stop.
In the end what happened? Of course, parasites exist and, when infected, can do a lot of harm to a person. It's not that every inhabitant of the planet is sick, and more importantly, not everyone needs medical help. Before you try a new treatment for dreaded roundworms or dreaded filarial worms, you should make sure that treatment is necessary.
It's important to understand: Not all drugs work for the real problem. Many dietary supplements widely promoted in the media are not only useless, they are dangerous and can cause serious health problems.
Uninvited guests: Who threatens a person?
Common parasites are:
- Giardia is the most common companion of kindergarten children between the ages of 2 and 5. Adults with giardiasis rarely get sick.
- Pinworms are another parasite that occurs mostly in preschool children and adults who don't follow personal hygiene rules.
- Roundworms are parasites that live in the small intestine and are able to penetrate other organs, including the lungs. Reaching large size, it can lead to intestinal obstruction.
- Pork, bovine tapeworm, and broad tapeworm choose the large intestine as the location. Infection occurs through food and dirty hands.
- Opisthorchis and fascioli prefer to reside in the biliary tract, thereby triggering the development of obstructive jaundice.
In recent years, foreign parasitic diseases have also been reported. This photo is associated with an active migration of the population, visits to popular tourist destinations, including countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Failure to observe hygiene regulations, swimming in local water bodies, and eating traditional foods, including those bought from the market by hand, can lead to unusual active infections with parasites that are far from immediately recognizable.
parasitic infection symptoms
Infections usually go unnoticed. The infamous giardia can go unnoticed for years, with the only symptoms being a change in habitual behavior. Giardiasis, "a disease of depression and sadness, " makes sufferers lethargic and lethargic, leading to fatigue, decreased physical strength, and low mood. Few people look for a cause in parasites. Most people attribute these symptoms to stress, fatigue, lack of sleep and other attributes of a person's normal life.
Some parasites that live in the gut know themselves very well. In the context of an intrusion, certain signs may appear:
dyspepsia syndrome
The most common presentation of parasitic infection, characterized by the following symptoms:
- nausea and vomiting;
- abdominal pain (usually around the belly button);
- Diarrhea or constipation, unstable stool, with pathological impurities.
In half of the patients, the liver and spleen increased. The accumulation of parasites in the gut can cause a blockage that causes severe pain in the abdomen and no bowel movements. This condition requires immediate surgical treatment.
Anemia syndrome
Some parasites can adhere to the intestinal mucosa and obtain the nutrients necessary for life. Continued injury can lead to blood loss, which can lead to iron deficiency and lead to the development of anemia.
systemic toxicity syndrome
One of the signs of a parasite invasion is hypothermia. If no other cause of fever is identified, it is worth checking for worms.
allergy syndrome
Long-standing parasites can damage the digestive tract, which can trigger allergic reactions. When eating certain foods or with rashes such as hives, stool may be broken down.
decrease in immunity
Parasites reduce the synthesis of immunoglobulins, mainly Yg A. This can lead to frequent colds and worsening of chronic diseases.
Other signs of a parasite invasion

In the context of a worm infection, other symptoms may appear:
- Bruxism - grinding of teeth while sleeping;
- Insomnia, frequent awakenings at night;
- Muscle and joint pain (parasite transmission or autoimmune reaction to its presence);
- Headache;
- Shortness of breath, coughing (when parasites enter the bronchopulmonary system).
All of these symptoms are nonspecific and can occur in a variety of diseases. Before trying to clean the parasite's body, you should make sure they're there and find out who the uninvited guest is.
Diagnostic principles
Some parasites are easily detected in feces or sheets, while others cannot be detected without special laboratory tests. If you suspect an infection, you should consult a doctor - a GP or an infectious disease specialist. The doctor will conduct an examination, analyze the patient's complaint and make recommendations for further diagnosis. There is no point in examining all the parasites known to science and wasting time, money and energy on such searches.
To diagnose at-risk guests, use the following methods:
- detection of parasites and their eggs in stool;
- Serological studies to determine antibody titers.
Diagnostic methods do not always show infection with parasites. Incorrect fecal collection techniques, violations of traffic plans - all of these can lead to the fact that dangerous neighbors cannot be identified. Serological studies are also not always indicative, as high titers of immunoglobulin G persist for some time after complete elimination of the parasite. If the patient determines that he or she is infected or has certain preconditions (visiting a foreign country, non-compliance with personal hygiene regulations, infection of a case in a closed setting), the examination should be repeated.
Is it necessary to cleanse the body of parasites?

Deworming is only required if the diagnosis is confirmed by laboratory methods. Symptoms alone are not enough to do anything to rid the body of parasites. Abdominal pain, broken stools, or a rash are not definitive helminth infections, as these signs are also present in other diseases.
For deworming, various drugs are used to exterminate dangerous guests and remove them from the body. These drugs are toxic and can cause unpleasant side effects, so you should only take them as directed by your doctor. The doctor will determine the dose and duration of the drug and indicate the expected effect. If you do not follow these safety rules, you can seriously injure your body and have adverse effects.
Antiparasitic drugs are only the first stage of treatment. In addition, the doctor prescribed other medicines:
- Devices for restoring intestinal flora;
- Preparations for normalizing gastrointestinal motility;
- antihistamines to eliminate allergic reactions;
- vitamins.
The purpose of this treatment is not only to eliminate the parasite, but also to restore the normal function of the body. In the second stage, various herbal decoctions are also used for successful treatment:

- sage;
- Tansy;
- chamomile;
- Flax seeds and pumpkin seeds etc.
These herbs are included in various dietary supplements used to cleanse internal parasites. Such products must be used with great care, since only relatively harmless ingredients are not always included in the composition of such additives. At best, miracle cures have no effect at all, and at worst, unwanted reactions and complications arise.
In some cases, overzealousness with enemas, decoctions, and tinctures leads to poisoning or chemical burns, and instead of getting rid of the parasite, a person encounters a whole new set of problems. Taking dubious supplements is especially dangerous for older adults and all people with heart, kidney, and liver disease.
There is no point in regularly removing parasites at home on an ad-hoc basis. Prophylactic deworming is only justified in exceptional circumstances:
- testing for parasites in family members;
- outbreaks of parasitic diseases in the residential area;
- Visiting a foreign country is a clear violation of personal hygiene regulations;
- Eat raw or undercooked meat and fish, and drink unpurified water from questionable sources.
Prophylactic deworming is recommended for pet owners, especially when the dog or cat is outside. But even in this case, it's easier to give your pet a parasite drug than to put your family through a similar procedure.
You should consult your doctor before performing any experiments on your own body.